Kevin Morillo - New Technology and Field Services Technician


I am a Computer Science student at UCONN. I work nights and weekends with OfficeVision and have learned the skills necessary for computer maintenance, tuning, and repair, cabling, and custom programming. I also keep a look out for new technologies that would benefit our customers.





Michael Bianchini - Senior Field Services Technician

Originally a musician, I turned to the world of technology about 10 years ago as a way of settling down from a rigorous touring schedule. I have been with OfficeVision for about a year now and bring expert skills in PCs, Servers, cabling, telephony, wired and wireless networks and large scale system rollouts. Oh and by the way - did I mention that I play a pretty mean organ?



Upgrade your current PC, or buy a new one

Microsoft Windows Vista - Continued from INDEX


Microsoft, will soon be releasing Service Pack 1 (SP1) for the Windows Vista group of Operating Systems. This article will cover three topics. First - is Windows Vista right for you and your business? Second - with the impending release of SP1 for Windows Vista, should that be a signal that the time is now right to move towards the new OS. Finally, with Microsoft's announcement that Windows XP will no longer be a choice for new systems after June 1, 2008 what does that do to your rollout plans?

Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard


With the recent release of OS X 10.5 - aka Leopard, is it time to consider an offering from Apple in your next system purchase?






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